Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
Związek ocen szkolnych z percepcją ucznia przez siebie i nauczyciela
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Uniwersytet im. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
The authors devote their attention to issues of school due to optimistic assessments, which define as positive expectations regarding future events that are to occur, the tasks and effort that person makes. Put the cardinal question is whether higher assessment of students fosters optimism, or vice-versa - optimism makes the students get higher ratings? In order to unequivocally answer this question, we need several years of longitudinal research. It seems likely analogous sequence as discussed above, the dependence of its own powers of perception and evaluation. Can therefore be assumed that the optimism is likely to strengthen the school, in fact, can lead, at least in part, to improve ratings. All presented theoretical considerations, empirical findings and interpretations indicate that regardless of changes in institutional and social change tasks facing the teacher, are extremely difficult. We analyzed only a small part of the review process. Judging is one of many aspects of educational reality. The effectiveness of this task depends on the reflectivity of the evaluation as well as from subjecting their own assessments – review and reflection. These actions can take the ideal of objectivity, also a human form.
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B. Wojciszke, Korzystanie z danych i pseudodanych przy poznawaniu ludzi, [w:] M. Kofta, T. Szutrowa (red.), Złudzenia, które pozwalają żyć, Warszawa 1992, s. 100.
S. Harter, The development of the self-representation during childhood and adolescence, [w:] M. Leary, J. Tangney, (red.), Handbook of self and identity, London, 2003, s. 610–642.
S. Ey, W. Hadley, D. Nuttbrock, S. Palmer. J. Klosky, D. Deptula, J. Thomas, R. Cohen, A new measure of children’s optimism and pessimism: The Youth Life Orientation Test, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2005, 46, s. 548–558.
E. Trzebińska, Psychologia pozytywna, Warszawa, 2008, s. 193.
B. Niemierko, Ocenianie szkolne bez tajemnic, Warszawa 2002, s. 252.
S. Harter, Manual for the Self–Perception Profile for Children, Denver 1985.
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