BOOK CHAPTER (219-232)
In the twenty-first century society is taking more and more from the
web. Communicating use it to causes that increase the risk of abuse words,
or dissemination of false information. The content that is posted on the
Internet can reach out to broad audiences, especially when these contents
entered online forums. In this situation it is difficult to determine the
author’s false statements, since those using mass media rarely give their
real name.
This special role of mass media in a democratic state, also in the sphere
of shaping public opinion resulted in the introduction to the current
Criminal Code offense of defamation by means of mass communication,
including the Internet.
Currently, the Internet is becoming not only the expert assistance but
also the threat to many people that benefit from it. The article describes
defamation via the Internet, without forgetting the basic type of this crime.
It shows statistics on this phenomenon and penalties and punitive
measures that may be ordered for slander.
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