BOOK CHAPTER (121-142)
Management model in education – it is the way how a local government manages
their key resources (principal, teachers) to provide stakeholders with expected value
in education (key priorities in education) securing its realisation in compliance
with public finance regulations and rules of cost-effectiveness. The article
demonstrates the educational management system in Radom in years 2014−2016.
It focuses on the specific roles of educational centres which, as organisations, do
not create a specific product, but form intellectual capital subjected to protection.
The intellectual capital must be protected since schools are responsible for mass
education and safety of their students. Employees of all tiers in education form
human resources in education. Ethics and responsibility, theoretically, are essential
elements of the value in respect to students. Hence, it is important to carry out
research how the education management system operates within a borough. The
results of field research on local government in Radom show mixed attitudes to
the education management system. The access to data regarding management is
limited. The role of the principal as an independent manager is ambiguous.
The school finance are highly dependent on the local government unit, whilst
the management of human resources is limited by education law, formal and
informal employment guidelines passed on during various trainings, recruiting
a headteacher which is run by school authority in strict compliance with the
ordinance of the Minister of Education of 27 October 2009 on requirements to
be met by a principal or other managerial posts in schools and education centres
(Dz.U. nr 184, poz. 1436 zpóźn. zm.), assignment distribution rigorously controlled
by teacher unions, regulatory body excessively defined by education law
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