Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (279-296)
Zadania Straży Miejskiej w zapewnieniu ładu i porządku publicznego na przykładzie miasta Mrągowa
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Abstract. Duties of Municipal Police of Mrągowo in safety and public order enforcement. Municipal Police in Mrągowo was created on 5th January 1993. In the beginning staff consisted of five people – The Commanding Officer and four guardians. The article summarizes effects of works of Municipal Police in 1993- 2008 as well as perception of Municipal Police by citizens of Mrągowo. The results confirmmed thesis, that Municipal Police is rated better by adults. Youth is more distanced to this service. Another remark is, that society is rather passive in cooperating with Municipal Police. In general, there are no clues how to change this negative state. Municipal Police guardians are being seen as polite, honest and obedient to law. On the other hand they are also remarked as less dynamic and inefficient. Notable is, that Municipal Police in opinion of Mrągowo citizen reacts usually too late. Those last features have important influence in Municipal Police Perception.
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