Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (473-498)
Health care behavior of the female students of Pedagogy and their psychographic correlates
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Introduction: Physical activity is one of the most important factors which determine health of a man. Combined with the physical activity are health aspects: changes of the style of life, prevention of social pathologies, ethical values. It is also an element of arrival at the health goals which concern style of life, such as: elimination of drug addiction, alcoholism, fighting of obesity, and also preparation for an active, long professional life. Anthropological and sociological studies show that the number of people who do not exercise grows – obese people and those suffering from overweight. The main purpose of this study is gaining of a knowledge of the health-related behavior seen in the female students of pedagogy. In addition the study is to deliver answers to the question about types of relation taking place between health-related performance and some psychological orientations of the studied persons. Sample and research methodology: The method that was used in this study was of a strictly quantitative character (Pilch, Bauman, 2001). The study was carried out using method of auditorial poll under individual supervision (Sztumski 1999). Questionnaires were used in the study as a set of tools. Main tool that was to serve the purpose of measurement of the health care behavior was elaborated specially for the discussed study. 110 persons in all were covered by the study. Their age ranged from 19 to 25 years. Average age calculated for all sample was 21.71 years. Study – results: Most of the studied sample was characterized by the holistic-functional approach to the health, belief that there was an internal locus of control and high level of coherence. Studied female students are the persons who see their state of health positively, and do not suffer from chronic disease. But still 89 per cent of them consumed alcohol, 45 per cent drank coffee while 26 per cent smoked cigarettes. Even worse, most of them declared that they fed themselves irregularly even though fruit was eaten by a third of the studied group. It seem positive that they do not abuse medicines or mood improving substances. Conclusion: Data obtained by way of the study should become a premise for development of the health education programs addressed just to the students, taking into account individual types of the feeding behavior and the risky behavior. Female students of pedagogical majors being the future teachers will play an important role in spreading of the knowledge of the health-care behavior among their children and youth. This remark concerns in particular the 1st stage of learning, i.e. grades I-III. It should be remembered that the (pro)health education will be much less effective if the female students do not present themselves the positions and behavior conductive to health.
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