Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (278-295)
Speech disorders in children and activities carried out by preschool teachers. analysis of the phenomenon in the light of own research
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Correct speech development is important for the child‘s proper education, personality building and overall development. In view of this widely acknowledged fact, attention has been drawn to the need for the formation of correct speech development in the child and its disorders in the aspect of the pedagogical work of preschool teachers. Pedagogical observations in pre-school institutions during the implementation of student internships motivated us to undertake a study to determine the importance of the pedagogical work of teachers in the process of supporting the normal speech development of the pre-school child. The research was conducted in 2022 among 60 teachers working in pre-school institutions in the Biała Podlaska district. The results of the study showed the variety of activities carried out by teachers, especially in the field of diagnosis, selection of speech therapy exercises, individualisation of work with the child and cooperation with parents. Motivation and interaction between teachers and parents are among the key factors determining the effectiveness of speech therapy activities with children. On the basis of the analysis of the research results, some important recommendations were formulated, which can be used in the future by those interested in the above-mentioned issues.
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