A juvenile murder- the phrase causing frightening and feeling of helplessness. It is wondering, why are such young people able to kill somebody?
Everything begins with aggression. Aggressiveness is becoming more and
more common in many different environments and its extremal manifestation among children and the young is murdering. The juvenile criminals
and the youth are in the age when their personality, emotional and social
maturity are shaped. Their improper behaviour is he effect of many different factors, reasons and motives. This group of criminals needs specific
pedagogical treatment and resocialization.
Badźmirowska-Masłowska K. (2000), Młodociani sprawcy zabójstw w Polsce, Kraków, wyd. Zakamycze.
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Sołtysiak T., Stasiński K. (2003), Nieletni i młodociani rodzicobójcy, [w:] W. Ambrozik, F. Zieliński (red.), Młodociani mordercy, Poznań, wyd. Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk.
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