BOOK CHAPTER (201-219)
Involvement of the management team in socially
responsible business strategies, opportunities,
and threats
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Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego
w Warszawie |
More and more society believes that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
and Sustainable Development (SD) have influenced the way business functions
in Poland. It is emphasized that the main obstacles in the implementation of
CSR include the lack of understanding of the idea by the management and the
perception of CSR as sponsorship activities. Among the benefits related to CSR
and sustainable development achieved by organizations are mentioned inside
the company and outside the company values, increasing the level of employee
involvement and increasing brand recognition as socially responsible. The study
discusses the importance of the process of building corporate value through CSR,
the role of managers in shaping new competencies, and the approach to CSR as
a real element of the company’s strategy, marketing, branding, research and
development, and innovation. Enterprises, consciously striving for sustainable
development, must start by defining their impact on the environment – both
negative and positive, expressed, inter alia, in reporting good CSR practices. The
article aims to define a transformational CSR focused on changes in existing
business models and to define the importance of management in the field of
social responsibility.
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