Effect of changes of provisions of the public finance law
and their influence on the situation of employees of
former individuals of the sector of the public finance
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Human needs are connected above all with liberties of the subject
guaranteed by the Constitution of every state, of preservation of health,
rest, using from the culture but above all with work. Thanks to her because
every man is obtaining not only a necessary livelihood, but also a self-esteem and needs of existing, but also functioning in the society, integrating
with it, finally creating the certain integrity have. From here so tremendously it is essential safety assurance for all citizens in the access to work but above all establishing the sure guarantee of the inviolability of their
places of employment. First these guarantees should concern employees of
the sector of the public finance which are performing public tasks.
From 1 January 2010 public finance laws violated the provisions however enforcing these warranties new, eliminating, limiting or allowing for
transforming already organizational-legal existing forms of the sector of
the public finance what in consequence took people to the certain degree
of uncertainty of satisfying the needs.
In the destination of moving these issues closer, the study will find
its reflection in regulations being in force, as well as the judicature and
the literature on the subject. It won’t be deprived of own reflections of the
Author. It should constitute the base for keeping further dissertations to
this subject both positive – in accordance with subjective conclusions, like
negative – with criticisms to this subject.
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