Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (105-113)
The impact of the development of the Internet of Things on human security
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Uczelnia Techniczno-Handlowa im. Heleny Chodkowskiej
The digital revolution in front of our eyes has become a reality and for many decades modern technologies have become a catalyst for change and allow for even faster development. The ubiquitous Internet has caused the penetration of cultures, rites or traditions without geographical and temporal restrictions. Man and machine begin to live in a certain symbiosis, and the denser the network of connections between people and devices, the easier it is to hack into it and steal data. Machines connected to the network today are definitely more than people, and by 2020 the number of devices connected to the Internet will exceed 50 billion. We can boldly speak about the world of things from which a man will profit from profits on the one hand, but on the other, be sensitive to possible threats. The Internet of Things is driving finance and the economy, it is improving human health and life. Allows for better communication, logistics or transport. However, the collected data also allow uncontrolled surveillance, illegal information gathering or taking control over privacy. As the Internet of Things develops, such challenges become more and more real problems. The answer should be the introduction of global legal regulations that will overtake the threat and protect people from the consequences that we can not even imagine today.
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