Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (199-210)
The value of life and death in time of peace and war
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Moral aspects of modern ways of eliminating the enemy The article presents moral aspects of modern means of killing, brought by futuristic weapons being developed by scientists. Weapons, that were once described by writers of science fiction books. Due to lack of thorough research papers on moral evaluation of futuristic killing, the author analyses human life’s value and moral validity of killing an attacker within defence of necessity, basing on available scientific literature, internet articles and press reports. He raises questions about moral evaluation of killing within limit of death penalty, genocide, within medical healthcare and during a war. In main part of the article, he presents modern weapons, ones decisive for moder elimination of personnel and material. The resulting futuristic methods of killing, ones not yet fully understood, already need a thorough moral and legal analysis. It will allow for moral evaluation of new methods of killing, which will be presented to the reader.
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