Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (369-382)
The powers of the President of the Republic of Poland in a scope of national security
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This article deals with the powers of the President of the Republic of Poland of national security. The author briefly characterized the political position and the powers of the President in the early period of the State, that is in the Interbellum, with a particular emphasis on the scope of powers on national security. The article focuses primarily on the existing powers of the President on national security. Attention was drawn to the fact that the President in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland from 1997, shall ensure observance of the Constitution, safeguard the sovereignty and security of the State as well as the inviolability and integrity of its territory. It was emphasised that in time of peace, in a normal political situation the specific powers of the President come down to personal decision making. The role of the President increases in a case of national security threat; when the powers of the President related to the states of emergency should be considered especially. Among the Presidential powers in case of external threat to the country a state of war must be mentioned. Based on Article 230 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland the President has the power, at the request of the Council of Ministers, to introduce, in the case of threats to the constitutional government of the State, public security or public order, for a specified period, no longer than 90 days, in the state of emergency on a part or the whole territory of the State.
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