Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
Traffic Offences from the EU and V4 Perspective – An element of Safety
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The presented study deals with the issue of safety on European roads. Special attention is paid to the fact that every year thousands of people die on European roads with some of the V4 countries presenting negative statistical features to this end. At the same time, the study deals with the general fact that many offences are caused by foreign drivers on the territory of other Member States than the Member State of registration (of their vehicle). From the point of psychology, one must mention that drivers have a tendency not to follow legal rules if they know that in a short period of time they will leave the territory of the host Member State and will return to their Member State of residence (home Member State). In such cases it is almost impossible for the Member State where the offence took place, to enforce the fine or other sanctions that apply to the offence committed by a foreign driver on their territory. The psychological determinant that imposed fines cannot be enforced in a foreign country leads to dangerous driving in many cases. The V4 countries are not an exception to this. All these facts led to the adoption of a new European Directive in September 2011. The aim of this Directive is to reduce accidents and traffic offences on European roads and to improve the level of safety for all road users in the EU. Bearing in mind that all V4 countries are also Member States of the EU, there are no doubts about the fact that this Directive will create a set of new rights and obligations especially in relation to the national police forces of the respective countries. The presented study deals with the basic features of the above Directive.
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