Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
Tax ethics and taxing powers
Salvatore Parente
Muslim feminism
Marta Pietras-Eichberger
We could witness the massive migration since the beginning of human existence.In modern times, the migrations were mainly limited to movement within the country, rarely between the countries.Basically, they have had the political or economic nature.The great migrations in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries was caused mainly by economic and (in totalitarian systems) political factors.During this period, a result of colonial policy, many people from Africa and Asia migrated to the Western Europe and the USA. Europe is aging rapidly.The average life expectancy is longer, while simultaneous drastic drop in the number of births.A major problem is therefore a question of interchangeability of generations, care for the elder people, and many others. The global exchange of information raises new human needs, ranging from simple living needs and ending with the goods of a higher order.Among others, thanks to the mass media, the universal awareness of the citizen’s right to information about activities of state bodies, to the so-called freedom rights, is growing.At the same time, the meritocracy, it means conditioning the man’s position in the society based on knowledge and skills, is reinforcing. The issues of migration as well as the growing needs of citizens toward the growing political and economic immigration raise the question about the possibility limits of the Member States and the European Union itself, particularly about the financial and organizational limits.The USA have been facing these problems for at least 100 years. The authors of the publications contain in this book are looking for the best solutions, in the areas circled by the human needs, for the citizens and the non-citizens, in connection with the possibilities of: the social security system, labour market, health care, homeland national and international security and the smooth functioning of state structures.
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