BOOK CHAPTER (165-176)
Subject of research: The issue of the protection of personal data isrelated to the
constitutionally guaranteed human right to protect his privacy. Particularly
importantseemsto be focusing on the protection of personal data on the Web,
as with the development of new technologies, a large part of our activities both
in private life and professional-in a natural way is transferred to the Internet.
Purpose of research: The aim of the article is to show the need to unify and
systematize the legalregulations ontheprotectionofpersonaldata onthe Internet.
The aim ofthe research isthe need to find answersto several importanttheoretical
questions on the protection of personal data on the Web, the presentation of the
basic principles for the correct interpretation and application of the institutions
for the protection of personal data in this space and show the relationship
of constitutional rules and relationships statutory standards on this issue.
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