Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (105-124)
The role of the concept of diversity management in respecting human rights in an organisation
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
The aspect of human rights in managing organisations has been the topic of discussions for several years, both on the international arena and from the perspective of organisations. Historically, the prevailing view has been that norms pertaining to human rights have applications only in the activities of states (governments), and not in the private sector. Every organisation in every sector has both influence and responsibilities when it comes to human rights. However, applying policies, the proliferation of voluntary initiatives and the belief that every organisation is responsible for respecting human rights, are all indicative of progress. Nonetheless, they have not resulted in the complete upholding of human rights at organisations. The workforce throughout the entire world is becoming more diversified. There is a lot of diversity on all ethnic, cultural, religious, linguistic and age backgrounds. The diversity of human resources is not a new phenomenon. Globalisation requires more interaction between people from different cultures or even social groups than ever before. For this reason, organisations require more diversity to become more innovative. The aim of this article is to present the role of the concept of diversity management in respecting human rights at an organisation. The goal has been reached through literature analysis, observations of social change and economic practice, a review of foreign and domestic research as well as the author’s own qualitative analysis of 50 strategies from international corporations. The conclusions from these analyses indicate that incorporating the concept of diversity management into companies and taking advantage of it, fulfils the obligations of organisations to respect human rights. Companies are engaged and actively support equal opportunities, justice, social justice, two-way respect, diversity and dignity of all people; recognising that an employee/client has the right to participate, learn and work in an open and respectful environment, which promotes equal opportunities and is free of discrimination. Such an approach indicates that strategies pertaining to workforce strengthen the commitment on behalf of diversity, while at the same time respecting human rights.
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