Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (221-234)
The right of an entrepreneur running sole proprietorship as a natural person to the protection of personal data
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The protection of entrepreneurs’ personal data belongs to the problems of contemporary challenges associated with the guarantee of the right to privacy compounded by the development of information and communication technologies. It should be noted that the entrepreneur’s data are collected and made available to the public through information and communication systems. The position of the Polish legislator towards the scope of protection of personal data of entities engaged in economic activity has changed over the last few years. Some doubts in this regard were dispelled by the Act of September 25th 20151 amending the Act on Freedom of Business Activity. The aim of the article is to define the scope of personal data protection granted to an entrepreneur who is a natural person de lege lata, and to comment on the validity of adopted legal solutions. Beyond the scope of the article is the data protection of employees as well as contractors. The paper will use a legal-dogmatic method, involving the analysis and inference from legal acts and the jurisprudence as well as an analytical-synthetic method in respect to representative literature in the field of study.
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