Spectator violence, represented mainly with football hooliganism is
a negative social phenomenon associated with several aspects of public disorder. In our Contribution we will focus on the basic concepts associated
with spectator violence, the legislative and conceptual documents governing the action against spectator violence in the Slovak Republic, the current state of spectator violence and its possible solutions in Slovakia, the
media and fans reflection of proposals in the action against spectator violence and the current trends in policing measures in action against spectator violence, as well as selected non-punitive options for its prevention.
Danilov, S.: Koncepcia boja proti diváckemu násiliu 2012-2015. Dostupné na internete: http://danilov.blog.sme.sk, 3.10.2012, 17:11.
Jusko, P.: The possible solution of the football hooliganism. In: W poszukiwaniu optymalnego modelu wiezienia resocijalizujacego. Opole: Unywersytet Opolski, 2010, p.271-279. ISBN 978-83-929872-9-1.
Lovaš, L.: Agresia a násilie. Psychológia ľudskej agresie a jej podoby v domácom prostredí, v škole, v práci, vo väzniciach a v športe. Bratislava: IKAR, 2010. ISBN 978-80-551-1752-2.
Spaaij, R.: Aspects of hooligan violence. A reappraisal of sociological research into football hooliganism. ASSR Working paper 2/2006. Dostupné na internete: www.assr.nl, 17.10.2012, 13:34.
Zákon Nr Sr č.479/2008 Z.z. o organizovaní verejných telovýchovných podujatí, športových podujatí a turistických podujatí v znení neskorších predpisov.
Zpráva o situaci v oblasti diváckeho násilí, dopadu Koncepce v praxi a návrzích dalších opatření. Dostupné na internete: www.mvcr.cz, 12.11.2012, 15:22.
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