BOOK CHAPTER (341-356)
jako walka informacyjna
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Akademia Humanistyczna im. Aleksandra Gieysztora w Pułtusku |
Abstract. Terrorism as an information war. The author tries to
analyze the phenomenon of terrorism in the field of information war.
Terrorists effectively use the environment which is a good place to spread
information to the unlimited number of recipients. Moreover, terrorists
started to be less dependent from the journalists creating – using Internet
– their own media. Therefore the authos notes that terrorism should
be treated as a form of information war. It implies that elements, both
offensive and defensive, of information war should be the immanent part
of the fight against terrorism. Disregarding those elements fosters that
terrorists achieve their aims, which can be exemplified by the terrorism
attack in Madrid in 2004. The author highlights that the inclusion of the
information war to the system of the fight against terrorism is associated
with the proactive strategy, which is to prevent the terrorist attack.
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