Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (355-368)
Artificial Intelligence – Choice of Case Law
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This article represents an overview of the jurisprudence case review of issues relatively connected with artificial intelligence technology. The collection of judgments chosen for the purposes of study which include concerns related to issues associated with forthcoming technological world. For example, the functionality of bot software automate human interaction easy with various online activities, the use of AI to analyse the car cost repairing according to model. AI used in forensic medical radiology, figure print scanning, security enhancement using facial biometrics recognition. AI in automate graphics and game design application. Also AI use to filter social networks to identify inciting terrorism. The main purpose of the study is to identify and assess the need of regulate artificial intelligence technology according to standardize policy, as well as to assess the level of threats associated with privacy of data analysis functions of the AI technology in the context of the presented jurisprudence.
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