BOOK CHAPTER (105-115)
Management systems, as an important control mechanism built
into the conduct of public administration
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Modern management systems each public body is essentially leaders and managers to develop and implement the mission and goals of the unit. It is also a vision of public sector entities at all levels of the management. In addition, modern
management systems in public institutions to develop all the necessary values that
are used to achieve long-term success of the institution. With properly prepared
by organizations control mechanisms, implemented appropriate corrective actions
and repair. In such institutions, there must be consistency between the implementation of the organization’s mission and its strategy of development. This consistency must necessarily be focused on internal organizational culture, structure and
functioning of the unit adopted by the top management of the mission, which
should include, inter alia, the most important priorities of growth and determine
the needs of all parties involved. What’s more, the top management of the public
body must continually analyze and monitor their policies and the development of
the strategy development.
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