Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (411-432)
Social environment as base of criminal behavior
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The question about the causes of youth subcultures formation and about the source of their attractiveness is very complex and during the last years there were many attempts to answer it. The phenomenon of formation of sects is an intricate process and there is no pattern based on which their development occurs. Formation of sects is a reaction to various factors of reality, however, it is impossible to comprehensively and clearly explain the nature of the phenomenon. The reasons of formation and active growth of sects may be sought, on the one hand, in realisation of non-detention rights guaranteed by democracy systems, successfully used by groups of various natures. On the other hand, this phenomenon is a response to the weaknesses of hitherto valid moral and social standards, as well as the crisis of contemporary world values. In such case, the reason may be lack of fulfilling individual and group expectations by existing social structures, especially families, traditional religions and educational institutions. The reasons of formation and development of groups may also be approached from the point of view of a country’s political system, social transformations or a person’s individual needs and aspirations. Nonetheless, with reference to the very results of young people’s escapes to subcultures, one may see lots of disadvantages which we meet every day. There is a so-called second life, which is usually characterised by aggression and violence. To reliably verify the problem of the nature of subculture existence it is necessary to consider modern research into the problem. Aetiology of the creation of subcultures may be also perceived from the perspective of a person or a group of people having subculture features. Then, the reason for its formation is also the personality of its creators, the objective they had set in relation to creating the group, and the benefits which individuals will receive from the group’s existence and functioning.
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