Human dignity plays a key role in human rights discourse. This article explores
the concept of dignity in the context of human rights. The debate concerns
questions like: Is the concept of dignity in the context of human rights rooted in
reality, or is it merely a an abstract without any meaning and sense? Whether it is
beneficial to protect the dignity of all human beings under all circumstances in
the absolute sense. That implies that human dignity is seen as the highest value
that must be upheld over any and all other values. Or maybe one can assume the
relative conception of human dignity, according to which human dignity stands
as an equal norm of an ensemble of other norms that can be measured with each
other. The distinction between universal and particular aspects of human dignity
is the main problem. The basic research method applied in following article is
comparative analysis, and case-study elements were also used. The method of
exegesis of the legal text in the mainstream of the derivative concept based on the
normative conception was used as an alternative.
The article concludes that dignity, despite its universal recognition, often
seems to be meaningless, the content remains unclear and its use is sometimes
controversial. Nevertheless, one can notice that dignity has become a kind of
element of convergence different legal order and legal systems. All obstacles
confronted in integrating human rights in development may be to be rooted
in a neglect of the culture of normative and legal dimensions of human rights.
Dignity is a kind of supranorm, a bridge between the legal positivism of European
comparators and the interpretation of American functionalism. Human dignity
is the space that is still unfathomable and open to creative discussion, and sets
the direction for further exploration.
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