Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (257-280)
Group therapy of children from nonfunctional families in the Point of Help for Children “RAY” in Olsztyn
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A kind of group therapy, defined as a treatment in the group and throughout the group, organized in order to provide experiences correcting traumas and negative opinions about the reality and to let release difficult emotions is one of methods of helping children from nonfunctional families to correct and improve their life functioning. The family is a child’s life essential environment, that provides models of interaction, relationships, behaviors, attitudes and ways of reacting to different situations. Nonfunctional family, broken or incomplete, experienced with alcoholism and violence, destructively affects the emotional, social and moral development of children. It threatens with behavior disorders and social maladjustment. Experienced traumas bring difficult emotions. The stiffness and inapplicability of home roles, principles and reactions manifests in children’s functioning and influences appearing destructive opinions about oneself, the world and other people. The kind of group therapy trying to achieve therapeutic, developmental and educational aims matches for participant’s purposes and enables the improvement of their personal and social being. This article is describing assumptions and elements of such process: individual participant’s diagnosis, therapy program and conclusions from its realization.
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