The main scope of the problem is contained in the title of the article – Legal
and institutional protection of refugees’ rights in terms of a universal system of
international protection of human rights. Protection of human rights, in the modern
sense, has a global nature and it has significant importance for the democratic
process. It should be noted that no system of human rights protection, including
the universal system, is full and complete, because it must pass two levels, it means:
external – international and internal – national.
The universalism of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International
Covenant provides the Constitution of Human Rights, which contain fundamental
norms of human rights. In the sphere of universal international law related to refugees
there are also the Geneva Convention and the New York Protocol. These acts paved the
framework of the universal system of protection of refugees. In terms of institutional
guarantees, we presented the organisations and institutions aimed at ensuring or
securing specific and recognized rights or interests. They are of a general nature as
well as specialized nature and together make up the protective potential of this system
(the UN). There are also the independent non-governmental organizations. Exodus
refugee provides one of the major challenges for human rights protection system in
the twenty-first century and reveals the weakness of the universal refugee law and
policies related to migration and refugee. New challenges are mainly of a practical
nature which should be due to the realization of human and security needs.
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