BOOK CHAPTER (555-572)
The global security of an entity (an individual, business, institution,
urban area, municipality, district, etc.) is not a stable or permanent state
that is enjoyed by an entity throughout its existence. To ensure a satisfactory level of global security, an entity has to initiate preventive measures, it
has to prepare for, respond to and effectively counteract the consequences
of a materialized risk. At every stage of this process, vital decisions are
made as regards the course of actions whose combined effect should minimize the adverse consequences of a threat. The relevant decisions are made
in the face of a high number of mutually interactive factors which significantly influence the outcomes of the decision-making process. It entails
the risk that the actual costs and losses will be much greater in magnitude
than those anticipated at various stages of the decision-making process.
A clear set of criteria for assessing decision quality is needed for optimal
decision-making. This study proposes criteria for evaluating decision quality and the relevant risks in the decision-making process that aims to ensure the operational security of entities. The optimization process based
on the proposed criteria has been illustrated with an example
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