Corruption is an universal phenomenon and has been omnipresent in societies throughout human history. Corruption is often described as a social disease.
We can call corruption a „victim-less crime”, but rather emphasizes that corruption automatically and apodictically generates victim at all levels. Corruption
has got many faces. There are many degrees of seriousness: acceptance of free meals
to obtaining money through collaboration with organized crime. World analysis
used various forms of bribery (venality, graft), indicates that they refer to individual activities consisting in accepting or demanding material or personal profits in
connection with the performance of a public function. Among many consequences of corruption are the lack of public trust and the loss of the legitimacy of the
police as an agency for protecting the rule of law.
The purpose of this study is to examine the extent of police corruption. In
curbing corruption we have to focus on long-term strategies and action plans involving the political, social and economic sphere.
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