BOOK CHAPTER (107-118)
The life of the young generation, especially children, in the modern world is marked by many threats, not only of an existential nature, but also of an emotional nature. In our country, too, we feel the social effects of the so-called global turmoil, which manifests itself in various types of crises. We commonly observe and feel the effects of both the crisis of trust, including the fall of authorities, ethical and social values (family crisis, street children, Euro-orphans), as well as the effects of global impacts, such as: the deepening climate crisis (global warming), the humanitarian crisis (e.g. the war in Ukraine and the Middle East), or the growing economic crisis related to the expected revaluation of the labor market (automation and robotization in production – industry 4.0, the introduction of solutions in the field of artificial intelligence and machine learning). In this situation, the implementation of both government (nationwide) social programs and the development of non-governmental organizations’ activities at the local level seem extremely important. Only planned and coordinated actions of social organizations, churches and religious associations can bring the expected effect on improving the quality of life and safety of the youngest in the era of various threats. In this article, the author focused both on issues related to research of selected non-governmental organizations and public institutions, in order to analyze the effects of their activities to date (diagnosis of the current state), and to develop the necessary recommendations for the future. As a result, this should bring a significant improvement in the effectiveness of the impact on local communities, with particular emphasis on the needs of children and youth.
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