BOOK CHAPTER (129-141)
Relation between access to public information and data
protection under general data protection regulation
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Instytut Nauk Prawnych, Polska Akademia Nauk |
The aim of the article is to analyze the relation between the right of access to public
information and the protection of personal data under General Regulation on
Personal Data Protection, which will come into force from 25 May 2018. The issue is
highly important for the practice of applying the Act on access to public information,
for both sides, obligated entities to provide public information as well as persons
whose personal data relate to. Public information may contain personal data. The
EU act pointed out that public access to official documents may be considered to
be in the public interest. Personal data in documents held by a public authority
or a public body should be able to be publicly disclosed by that authority or body
if the disclosure is provided for by law. However, it is necessary to reconcile the
Member States’ legislation with public access to official documents with the right
to the protection of personal data. The Polish Act on access to public information on
this requirement to balance both rights does not take into account. The right to the
protection of personal data does not occur at all under this Act. This right is derived
from the right to privacy. At this background it is necessary to amend Polish act on
access to public information with a view to provide reconciliation between public
access to official documents with the right to the protection of personal data when
the public interest in such disclosure is justified.
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