Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (595-616)
Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy versus juvenile’s crimes: a meta – analytic overview
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie
Several controlled studies indicate that cognitive-behavioral interventions had good influence on juvenile offenders, who commited a crime. The aim of this overview is: To prevent nonaged crimes, and to show how to work therapeutically with young offenders. Meta-analysis shows that, the most of juvenile offenders have some mental disorders, for that reason they need to be under specific conditions. To make a behavioral change nonage criminalists need a psychotherapy. Cognitive –behavioral therapy works not only with behaviors, but also with cognition and emotions. Young offenders also got deficits of social skills and they don’t know how to cope with many everyday situations. This work shows how to put cognitive – behavioral interventions into practice with young offenders. Meta –analysis found that recidivism rates down, when an offender was under psychotherapy conditions. In cognitive behavioral therapy program, nonage offenders improve their social skills, problem solving, cognitive style, self-control, impulse management and self-efficacy. A problem solving program for offenders is provided with cognitive restructuring and cognitive skills interventions. Lesson topics include: active listening; asking a question; giving feedback; our thinking controls how we act; paying attention to our thinking; recognizing the thinking that leads to trouble; finding new thinking; knowing actual feelings; understanding and responding to the feelings of others; preparing for a stressful conversation; responding to anger; dealing with an accusation; five steps of problem solving; and a self-evaluation of areas for further skill development.
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