Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (125-143)
Przestępczość gospodarcza zagrożeniem dla rozwoju dużych aglomeracji
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Abstract. Economic crime as a threat to the growth of large cities. Economic criminality is such a common phenomenon that it requires confrontation of differentiated interpretations of this phenomenon not only adaptation of different theoretical constructions. The main issues that should be investigated are: a) causes and ways of establishing rules, b) causes and ways of their infringement, c) range and overlapping areas of activities of organs of administration of justice and organs of control. There arises a question of entitlement - an authorization for a legislator, for people involved in economy and for activities of means or coercion. Since the times of the Old and New Testament there have not been more accepted justification rules for the authority of individuals and institutions from those which being used by the authority are justified and accepted by the majority. Recently, according to the studies carried out by L. Harris, American public opinion expects companies to eliminate crisis and unemployment, control air and water pollution, participate in a recon struction of towns, stimulate worker’s development, eliminate poverty and diseases, liquidate racial discrimination. Public opinion is only a certain argu ment and sometimes an alibi. We have to admit that views concerning and forcing the law are differentiated among authors, who are consensualists, pluralists or look at society from the neo-Marxist point of view. Whatever theoretical alternative for analyses would be, studying primary criminal proc esses concerning economic offences needs priorities. The assessment of functioning of justice system towards limitation of economic criminality shows a relative character for penal-legal intervention which results in choosing not necessarily criminal ways of solving conflicts. On the other hand mutual interaction or its lack between organs of control and administration of justice can create the object of prioritative investiga tion efforts; they can extend both in time and space.Historical studies, such as Jean Claude Waquet’s concerning corruption in Florence in XVII and XVIII centuries help us to understand society as a whole and also the functions and seeing corruption or other economic offences.
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