Promowanie stosowania energii
ze źródeł odnawialnych w prawie
Unii Europejskiej
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Katedra Europejskiego Prawa Gospodarczego Uniwersytet Łódzki. |
Abstract. Promotion of the renewable energy under the European Law. The European Union is searching for methods of separation of the economic growth from the
increasing consumption of energy. The control of the energy consumption in Europe and
the increased consumption of the renewable energy together with economy of the energy
and the increased energetic effectiveness constitute fundamental elements of the climate
and energy package to reduce the greenhouses gases. The sector of the renewable energy is the only energetic sector which is standing out because of a possibility of limiting
the emission of greenhouse gases and pollution, use of local and decentralized energy
resources and it stimulates the industry of the advanced technology. In this study, in the
light of the indicated problems, it has been considered if the binding Union’s legal solutions affect the promotion of the renewable energy and if they contribute to an increase
in competitiveness of the EU economy. It results from an analysis of the European Green
Book –strategy for the balanced, competitive and safe energy, of directives, especially
directive 2009/28/EU on promotion of the renewable energy consumption and of many
Commission’s communications that the European Union has not established fully competitive internal markets of energy. The legal provisions concerning support of the renewable energy resources can constitute a factor of the dynamic increase in the mentioned
resources in the general energetic balance and contribute to the opening of the market to
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