Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (441-452)
Prevention programs of the Polish Police
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In order to ensure safety and order, the Police employs various devices and methods. The most effective ones include prevention programs, that is, targeted methods of action meant to achieve the assumed goals. This article discusses such programmes realized by the Police in 2011. The assumptions of long-term government programs where the Police is one of the subjects implementing them, are presented separately. These programs include: “Razem bezpieczniej” (“Safer together”), coordinated by the Ministry of Interior and Administration, the prevention of social maladjustment and crime among children and young people, the prevention of domestic violence, the prevention and solving of alcohol-related problems, the prevention of drug addiction. Local police programs prepared by particular police units are equally important for the preventive actions; it has been illustrated by examples of a few of them, realised by the Warsaw Police Headquarters and other units. The author has been able to conclude that the implementation of these prevention programs, as well as of the earlier ones, has influenced a permanent change of the image of the Police, which has transformed from an institution carrying out, among others, repressive actions, into a professional partner for cooperation and help for the society.
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