Bio-psycho-social problems of a child with bronchial asthma with regard to the educational and caring role of the parent
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Bronchial asthma is a chronic respiratory disease of heterogeneous nature, manifested by paroxysmal but reversible bronchoconstriction. The aim of this work is to identify nursing problems of a child with bronchial asthma and determine nursing interventions based on ICNP® guidelines. In the study the fallowing research methods were used: individual case study, interview, observation, measurement, documentation analysis, scales, and nursing process. The research subject is a patient 17 years and 7 months old admitted to the children’s hospital on an emergency basis with suspected pneumonia of unknown etiology and an exacerbation of asthma. History: runny nose, cough for 3 weeks, and periodic dyspnea for 2 weeks. On admission to the hospital: weakness, difficulty climbing stairs, expiratory dyspnea, headache, pallor, decreased appetite, nausea, and vomiting. On physical examination: weakened alveolar murmur over the lung fields, expiratory wheezes, furrows, moist rales, reddened throat. As a result of treatment, the patient’s condition improved. She was discharged home with the recommendation: systematic medication, avoidance (of noxious agents and human concentrations), overheating, hypothermia, oral rehydration, oral hygiene, an easy-to-digest diet, blood count control in 1-2 months and follow-up at the Pulmonology Clinic. During hospitalization, the child was diagnosed with biological, psychological, and social problems, which were solved by the diagnostic, care and therapeutic, educational activities of the nurse. Education about the disease (symptoms and treatment) was required by the patient’s mother. The prevalence of asthma imposes an obligation to implement educational activities in educational institutions, since comprehensive education of parents and teachers improves the emotional state of a child with asthma.
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