The quality of public administration activities depends on a number
of legal and non-legal factors. Determinants of quality, due to the rule of
law will be primarily legal standards on the basis of which the authorities carry out administrative functions and tasks assigned to them. The
quality of public administration can be external and internal and measures of this quality is legality criteria. Other quality criteria are associated
with the style of administration. They include, for example the way for
resolving the cases of citizens and settlement of disputes and performing
material-technical activities, level of training of administrative personnel
and level of services, information activities. The standards included in the
law in an appropriate way protects the rights of individuals to ensure the
rule of law of administrative actions. Introduced in Polish administrative
law solutions and institutions determine the achievement of quality of
administrative operations both at the stage of the proceedings and settlements. The element affecting the quality of the administration’s decision is
in addition to the principles of administrative proceedings, undoubtedly
the introduction of responsibility of public officials, but further increase of
this responsibility can reduce the efficiency of administration by abandoning the simplified forms of settling matters.
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