BOOK CHAPTER (237-249)
Managing companies often struggle problems related to the collection of relevant
information and analysis necessary for effective planning and monitoring of processes running in the company. Furthermore, the analysis of data and transform
them into concrete operational measures requires expert approach. A practical
solution is to manage the risks identified in the new ISO 9001:2015 standard where is the “Risk-based thinking”.
The solution allows you to prioritize risks based on the effects of the risk and the
likelihood of its occurrence and to take the necessary measures relating to risk
management such as security application, mitigation, to minimize the likelihood
that the conscious tolerating, and even increase the risk in order to use chance.
It is a response to the contemporary need to support management decision-making, have a significant impact on economic performance, market position and
growth opportunities.
Kłak M. (2010). Zarządzanie wiedzą we współczesnym przedsiębiorstwie. Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomii i Prawa, Kielce.
Morawski M. (2005). Zarządzanie wiedzą w perspektywie personalnej. W: (red.)K. Perechuda, Zarządzanie wiedzą w przedsiębiorstwie, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa.
Zarządzanie ryzykiem w sektorze publicznym. Podręcznik wdrożenia zarządzania ryzykiem w administracji publicznej w Polsce. Projekt UE Transition Facility 2004/016-829.01.08, s. 10−11.