Odnawialne źródła energii
jako element wzrostu bezpieczeństwa
energetycznego Polski
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Akademia Obrony Narodowej |
Abstract. Renewable energy sources as an element of Poland’s growing energy security. Energy security for both Poland and the EU has been a a widely-debated issue
recently and it has already produced various arrangements to increase that security. One
of such moves which should secure broadly – perceived success in this Þ eld is obtaining
energy from renewable sources and at the same time reduction in the use of fossil energy
resources. Thus the EU gives economic incentives and support to its member states as
encouragement targeted at the realization of its various programmes; this is carried out
mostly by means of constructing of large energy installations capable of absorbing such
energy for local, regional, national and international needs. The exchange of experience
and technology amongst the EU states has visibly accelerated the process. At the same
time those ventures, letting alone their energy security aspect, result in the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions, contribute to the development of new technologies and help
create new job. It has to be also added that one of the most important tasks connected with
obtaining energy from renewable sources is their undoubted contribution to the preservation of natural environment for future generations.
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