BOOK CHAPTER (141-156)
Environmental protection as an obligation of public authorities
in the light of the judgment of the Court of Justice European
Union in Case C-441/17 concerning felling of trees in the
Białowieża Primeval Forest
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Wydział Prawa i Administracji Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego |
The subject of this statement will be to look at environmental protection as
a responsibility of public authorities. This obligation is enshrined in Article 74,
paragraph 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, and its concretisation
is the relevant statutory provisions. Recently, however, the implementation of
this obligation has aroused a lot of emotion in both science and journalism.
These resulted from the fact of increasing the limits of tree felling and physical
undertaking of this felling in the Białowieża forest, on the basis of the decision
of the Minister of Environment. The decision was challenged before the Court
of Justice of the European Union, which found that Poland had infringed EU
law. In the context of this judgment, the question arises as to whether the Polish
authorities are in fact fulfilling well the obligations imposed by the legislator
in the field of environmental protection, or whether not only EU law has been
violated, but also the Constitution of the Republic of Poland.
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