Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
Areas of the pedagogical reflection of future kindergarten and early education teachers
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The article discusses the areas of reflection of students of nursery and earlyschool education, illustrated with examples of real-life forms of documenting personal professional experience and reflections on such experience, as encountered in the course of practical training. The areas of reflection, revealed during the analysis of the documented material, include such issues as the very first contact with children, various competences of nursery and early-school teachers (Grades 1–3), the role of the teacher trainer in the educational institution where the apprenticeship is held, and the choice of a further career path. The inspiration to encourage students to document and record their reflections on practical training was drawn from the activities taken within the framework of the project implemented in the Department of Pedagogical Sciences at Lodz University within the Operational Programme ‘Human Resources Development’, related to practical vocational training as an important aspect of early-school teacher training. The foundation of the implementation of the practice aimed at developing the reflectiveness of teachers-to-be was grounded on the conviction that reflection – as an active and profound thought on one’s own actions – is an approach that facilitates permanent self-education, supports the process of developing competences and makes it possible to cope in a more efficient way with the dynamics of the changes that the professional world is constantly undergoing, i.e. it allows teachers to be more effective in new circumstances and teaching scenarios.
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