Subject of research: In a modern political discourse the idea of state security is
strictly connected with human rights protection. This relation must inevitably
lead to the conflict between the prerogatives of an individual and those of
the state. Modern democratic states are considered to guarantee the security
of their citizens. In the course of the evolution of the theory and practice of
the politics this paradigm has often been modified. In a classic debate on the
relations between human rights and the state security the question of the
limitations of a state’s intervention in the name of its internal security arises. At
the global level the inclination of improvement and reinforcement of national
security and control at the cost of liberties of citizens can be observed.
Purpose of the research: The issue has been analysed to indicate controversies
between the prerogatives of an individual and those concerning the state.
Methods: The work is based on normative considerations and exegesis of
legal resources and Strasburg rulings. The intermediate stage of the research
involves doctrinal and axiological analysis.
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