Abusing the right to the freedom
of speech and to the free expression
of opinions as a threat to religious,
national and personal security
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Wyższa Szkoła Gospodarki Euroregionalnej
im. Alcide De Gasperi w Józefowie |
Freedom is reflected in thinking, speaking out, in actions, and in behaviour.
The right to the freedom of speech and to the free expression of opinions has
come to form part of the catalogue of rights of every human being. This right
is guaranteed by international documents with both a universal, and a regional
reach, and also by countries’ constitutions, for example, the Constitution of the
Republic of Poland. The aforementioned documents also impose restrictions
upon the right to the freedom of speech and to the free expression of opinions
for the purpose of ensuring public safety and order, and also for the purpose of
protecting the environment, health and public morality, or the freedom and the
rights of other people.
Respecting the right to the freedom of speech and to the free expression of
opinions constitutes a reflection of acknowledging human rights by the state.
It lays the foundations of a democratic country. At the same time, the said right
allows every human being for self-realisation. However, not all countries in the
world abide by this rule. Also, not all citizens find the model of a democratic
country appealing, which is why abuse ensues, threatening religious, national
and personal security.
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