Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (405-417)
Hate speech on polish football stadiums
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The main purpose of this article is to describe – according to the results of the author’s research taken in 2010 – most common hateful symbols and logos which appear on polish football stadiums nowadays. They are very often a part of hate speech phenomenon and one of the most noticeable problems relating to the safety and security of the football itself. It is very important for football communities and law enforcement agencies to recognize these symbols and what they mean, especially before forthcoming UEFA EURO2012 tournament, which will take place in Poland and Ukraine. Also, through the proper knowledge of such hate symbols we may be able to identify hate group members and those individuals who are involved in racist and anti-Semitic incidents. By giving a general overview of the problem of extreme behaviors presented by polish hooligans on football stadiums and by describing the most common symbols, both graphic and number, the author tried to indicate the seriousness of the problem in Poland. Also, according to the fact that year by year in polish football league there is a greater number of players who may have and often have a different skin color, religion and traditions or ethnic background, it is needed to be aware of possibility of such racist and discrimination behaviors and at the same time take the action before it happen, rather than fight against at a future time.
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