Methodology of research on the influence
of leadership of the success in a small
organization of the rapid growth
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The article attempt to approximate the reader the essence and importance of
leadership in small organizations and the role and impact of small business owner
for its success. The problem of leadership in small organizations is a problem
rarely tested, although the managers of these companies often provide their
market advantage. Presented methodology and research tools that have been
used in a study conducted by the National Agency for Enterprise Development.
The aim of the study was to PARP among other things, providing expertise to
work on the design of support for small and medium-sized businesses and the
creation of the dedicated support instruments aimed at the development. The
basis of the research was the determination of the key drivers of rapid growth
and the barriers and obstacles to the development of the organization. This
means that participating in the survey business owners was created opportunity
to influence the shaping of the system-support for companies that contribute
to the development of the Polish economy. The article brought closer to the
reader the theory associated with the nature of leadership and the evolution of
leadership theory. It raised issues of leadership in the context of the efficiency of
the organization. Reference was made to the classic concept of leadership and
charismatic leadership. After a detailed description of the methods and tools of
research, they made their critical analysis, allowing us to formulate conclusions.
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