BOOK CHAPTER (215-229)
Based on surveys, the competencies of a group of 102 cultural animators were specified as well as the level of social recognition they had in
their local communities . Social recognition was assessed based on two
clear criteria: social nomination for Marshal of Mazovia Province Award
or the lack of it, and commitment or lack of commitment of volunteers to
work with. Based on these two criteria three groups were identified within
the study sample.
• 35% of the study sample made animators nominated for Marshal of
Mazovia Province Award who worked with volunteers. They were
called local leaders of culture.
• 47% - animators who were not nominated for the Award, but worked
with volunteers. They were called cultural managers .
• 18% - animators who were not nominated for the award and did not
work with volunteers. They were called administrators .
The study allowed us to identify a set of competencies shown by each
of the groups. Group No. 1, enjoying double recognition, have the richest
set of competencies , which consisted of leadership, managerial and specific personal competences . Animators from groups 2 and 3 , did not have
several of the personal and leadership competencies possessed by animators from group 1.
Social recognition expressed through nomination for Marshal of Mazovia Province Award or commitment of volunteers willing to follow and
work with the animator as a leader, was used as a measure of operating
authority enjoyed by the animators. . According to the definition of Polish
Dictionary (2006 ) “authority is the recognition enjoyed by a person in any
group.” A comparative analysis of the competences of the three groups ( 216 | WSGE
leaders, managers and administrators ) shows that the leaders who enjoy
authority, do not build it due to positions held or functions performed, but
due to their competences.
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