Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
Code of ethics in modern, public administration
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Urząd Miejski w Wejherowie
The self-government administration as institution of public trust is an organization, which main task is fulfilling the service function to the local community. Disposing of organizational, legal and financial instruments, it creates legal conditions for leading political, social and economical activity of every kind. To manage public estate, the nominated authorities should make specific decisions and provide services in accordance with requirements for ethics. Creating the local government employee is not only the result of single action but also comprehensive and systematic operation. If changes have any value they should be consequent and sustainable. For this reason the most important question is: what precedes and determines the employee’s action? To make employee’s work ethical, administration should dispose of properly matched and prepared staff. Considering the servient nature of official’s work, the cooperation of four elements is necessary: fundamental convictions, subconscious rules, proper patterns and emotional condition, which are responsible for action in accordance with rules of ethics. Having good mind is not enough, the most important is to use it properly. The local government employees, who work in concrete social, legal and ethical surrounding, are more prone to breach standards and rules of obligatory, normative systems of law and ethics. That is why we need anti-corruption norms not only in generally applicable law but in internal law system as well. The local government employee as every man has not only weaknesses, which should be resolved, but the advantages which should be developed as well. The verification of this issue should be done by the analysis of social surroundings of local administration’s functioning and attempt to answer: What is the legal and ethical aspect of performing the local government employee’s function? What is the role of the codes of ethics. In which degree ethics influences the process of creation of local government employee’s morality? What pathogenic phenomena are the local government employees prone to? In what way the internal law takes into consideration norms, rules and ethical postulates aimed at local government employees. Presented article has to show that there are a number of legal regulations which protect against unethical behavior and corruption. Laws, ethical codes and qualification appraisals of local government employees were implemented. For years, national programs and competitions promoting organizations that put a lot of emphasis on combating corruption and building ethical attitude have been introduced. Ethical values that are common for all public administration such as professionalism, honesty, openness, integrity, loyalty, saving, credibility and respect for people, constitute the canon of official ethics. Discussed ethical values are a bridge connecting the subordinate with the superior, the office with the citizen and officials in mutual relations.
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