Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (214-236)
Quality of remote education in engineering courses. A case study
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Szkoła Główna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego w Warszawie
Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Poznaniu
The use of rapidly developing information and communication technologies in higher education and the need to move to remote education as a result of the COVID – 19 pandemic have caused the quality of education, including remote education, to take on a different dimension. This quality can be considered according to various criteria. One of these is the examination of the quality of remote education, taking into account the fields of study. In the case of some fields of study , especially technical-engineering fields of study, it seems that despite significant technological advances, remote education still does not allow for the desired quality of education. The aim of this article was to identify and investigate selected factors influencing the quality of remote education in selected engineering faculties. Based on the results of a survey conducted at a private university on a group of 115 respondents, it was found that (1) among the courses taught remotely, lectures were rated highest and, according to the students, they should continue to be conducted remotely. (2) The highest rated elements of remote teaching were the timeliness of the classes and the quality of the content delivered. (3) The lowest rated element of remote teaching was activity. (4) Conducting laboratories remotely does not meet expectations due to limited opportunities for contact with the lecturer (no personal contact) and lack of access to apparatus and equipment. (5) Remote examinations are of a higher standard than traditional examinations and, in the opinion of the students, this way of taking examinations is more advantageous to them, primarily for economic reasons. (6) The quality of distance learning is influenced by many factors, which can be analysed according to various criteria. Psychological, economic, technical and organisational aspects should not be overlooked when assessing the quality of education.
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