Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
BOOK CHAPTER (195-218)
Information and technical support of Border Guard Activities in the scope of border traffic control and protection of the state border of the republic of Poland
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Centrum Szkolenia Straży Granicznej
This article is dedicated for representing key IT – Technical solutions supporting the activities of Polish Border Guard during the realization of legal duties where the most important ones are border protection and control of the border traffic. Border control in general has to be conducted smoothly with maintaining the highest level of security. This kind of combination is possible first of all thanks to the application supporting the process of border control with the name of Integrated Registration System 6, which maintains information including the results of designated objects (persons, vehicles, documents) in proper search and IT systems. Implementation in the system ensuring the verification biometric data has caused that the scope of the control has increased. In order to support the officers during the protection of the border, there is used the variety of types of technical support which are consisting the SEWN system (Electronic Supervisory Support System). It’s key elements are thermovision cameras, mobile surveillance units (PJN) and observation towers built on the east part of the Polish border. For the support in protecting the maritime border is responsible the Integrated Surveillance Radar System (ZSRN) which particular elements are located on the seaside. Technological development which Polish Border Guard has noted (possible by the EU funds), has caused that currently Border Guard is a specialised formation ready to conduct the tasks on the highest European level.
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