BOOK CHAPTER (263-272)
Informacja w procedurze
udzielana patentu na wynalazek
i jej znaczenie dla rozwoju
innowacyjnych technologii
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Katedra Prawa Cywilnego, Uniwersytet Warmi(sko-Mazurski w Olsztynie. |
Abstract. Information In the procedure of granting a patent for an invention
and its importance for the development of innovative technologies. Exclusive
rights, in the form of patent protection is an essential instrument of technical
innovation. To obtain patent protection requires the legislature to disclose
the substance of the invention in the patent. Statutory monopoly on the
invention is limited in time and after a period of protection of an invention
becomes a public good. Description of the invention, which is presented
in its essence, is published by the Patent Office. Patent offices are of great
importance as centers to promote the protection of inventions and initiate
any actions which seek to innovate. The tasks of the Patent Office should
conduct a central collection of Polish and foreign patent. Regular browsing
databases provide essential information about inventions protected
by patents, which can be obtained licenses and the possible development
of new technologies by using existing information. Effective management
of the processes of innovation at all its stages, from conception until a solution
and its implementation, requires the regular use of patent information.
Enterprise-oriented R&D activities, which are the result of inventions
and innovations to be patentable, maintain a strong position in the market.
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