Akademia Nauk Stosowanych
im. Alcide De Gasperi
Identyfikacja barier i problemów związanych z polską energetyką odnawialną jako wybór relewantnej informacji dla rządu, społeczeństwa i gospodarki
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Zakład Budownictwa Ogólnego, Politechnika Warszawska
Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Uniwersytet Warszawski.
Abstract. The identiÞ cation of Polish RES’ problems and barriers as a selection of relevant information for government, society and economy. Information in the XXI century (both in social and economical aspect) is very important issue. Processes of globalization cause that the access to the majority of places and events which took place there is merely unlimited. The pure information is easily accessible. In spite of this fact, the increasing specialization of human activity leads to strong need of knowledge necessary to decode seemingly eligible information and communication. In order to collect information it is necessary to gain knowledge. The mentioned process can be clearly noticed in the area of energy sector in Poland and due to speciÞ c nation conditions in can be particularly recognized in the area or RES. In connection with this factor the authors of the article present the information concerning problems and barriers related with RES. It was gathered and analyzed by the experts of the Public Board of the National Programme for Reduction of Emissions. With this data Polish government will be better equipped to fulÞ ll European obligation and reach European Union goals in respect of CO2 emissions RES and reduction which intensively inß uence Polish society and economy.
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Żmijewski K., Sokolowski M. M., Analiza zapisów Mapy Drogowej Efektywności. Efektywnie o energetyce. Energia i Budynek, 2010.
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