BOOK CHAPTER (335-348)
On the international forum, the subject of business and human rights is increasingly being
taken. It is in the scope of interest of such organizations as: the European Union, the
Council of Europe, the United Nations and the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development. The international community has developed numerous initiatives and
taken practical measures to precisely define the role and responsibility of individual entities
in the field of protection and respect for human rights. Poland is also actively involved in
the process of creating a new approach to this issue.
States have the obligation to respect and implement the provisions relating to human rights.
It is a lasting process because human rights are changing. Their scope of protection increases
in response to changing political, social and technological conditions. United Nation Human
Rights Council, in 2011, adopted guidelines on business and human rights. Their goal is to
reduce the risk of infringing these rights in connection with business operations.
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